Friday, March 14, 2008

Jumat pagi..

1 hal yg kmarin blm aq share neh..
Kcewa udh,
desperate udh,
satu lg : sedih..

I cried coz my mom yesterday.
Just bcos i went home late everyday.. She mad with me..

She said that all the things I've done in my organization don't give me any good things.. She said that i just waste my time in organization.. Yeah.. The point is : she mean that i work 4 useless event,i work 4 useless purpose.. N all i do are useless,useless n useless..huh.

0ne more.. She told me 'bout monna..huh..

Yg slalu ngebuat emosiQ t muncak selain "ngeliat orang lancang ke aq",yah ini : DIBANDING2IN ato DSAMA2IN ma org laen..

Aq GA suka hal it.. Hikz.
Aq y tetep aq.. Mpe kapanpun tetep aq n aq bukan org lain..
Aq ga suka..

Hikz.. Sdih ,jngkel..
Feel that my mom doesn't understand me,,n my interests..

How can i fight,without support from her,huh?!
Just tell me mom,..that i permitted to do what i want to do for my beloved job.. For my organization,for my friends,n for my school..
Just for this year,mom..

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