Monday, December 27, 2010

There is still JESUS.. :)

When I see around, and find that my friends are busy with their own hobbies.. There is still JESUS who cares about me..

When I hear many people shout on me and angry with me.. There is still JESUS who strengthen me..

When everybody says that i'm nothing.. There is still JESUS who says that i'm HIS masterpiece, the unique one..

When others have no time to pray while having holiday..there is still JESUS who says that HE doesn't care how short is my prayer when I do that in my busy time, but one HE cares is : how deep my love when I'm praying..

When all the rich people show me all their treasures, there is still JESUS in my heart who couldn't trade by anything in this world..

When I do many things everyday and people say that all of those are meaningless and better if I stay at home and just sleep and watching DVD.. There is still JESUS who says that HE love the productive y0uth!

When I see around (again) and find that my friends have everything better than mine.. There is still JESUS who always says that it is a proccess to make me mature and learn me how to give thank to HIM..

Last, when I walk alone, and everyone says that I need a boyfriend right now to accompany me.. There is still JESUS who walks with me and holds my hand while whispering: "don't worry Yen, I will give u the best 2,5 years later.. Do u trust ME?"

these are what JESUS spoke to me these days, so I don't let it blow away, I want to post it and share it to all of you about HOW EXIST OUR JESUS IS.. :D

have a wonderful holiday..GB.. :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a post..:D

Akhirnya aku mengisi lagi pasca lomba blog.. (ceritanya trauma gitu kan.. ) haha. :p

oke. Sekarang aq lg harap2 cemas dengan IPku, kok kayaknya nurun ya.. Hiks. Tapi aq berharap prediksiku salah.. >.<
mungkin hrz lbh semangat lagi mencicil belajar, hrz lebih sungguh2 dengan komitmen belajar tiap hari yang sesungguhnya tidak gampang untuk dilakukan..

Oh ya, sekarang aq lagi giat belajar bahasa Jepang.. Pinjam buku dari teman.. Hhehe..lumayan lah, menambah ilmu. :)
dan tentu aja d tambah review buku mandarin yang udah dpelajari, biar ga lupa n tambah sip..haha..
Di Balikpapan juga sekarang seringnya ya menjaga toko.. Tapi kalau dpikir2, itu lebih bagus daripada menjaga kost.hahaha..

Happy holiday teman2!
Sampai jumpa d postingan selanjutnya. =D

Friday, December 3, 2010

God of This City

You're the God of this city, You're the King of these people

You're the Lord of this nation, You are

You're the light in the darkness, You're the hope to the hopeless

You're the peace to the restless, You are

There is no one like our God, There is no one like our God

Greater things have yet to come

Greater things are still to be done

In this city

Greater things have yet to come

Greater things are still to be done
